I have been working on a revenue producing web site called www.answerspay.com. Subscribers ask questions and contributors answer them for a piece of the revenue raised by the quality of the questions and answers. This is a relatively new web site, established in February, and still has its kinks.
What I have noticed is that there are a lot of questions about aches and pains and whether or not they should see a doctor. The questions go the gamut from mild headaches to anxiety attacks to moles changing color.
Everyone should have a doctor. Whether at a hospital, a health clinic, or private practitioner, the older you get the more you need a doctor. If there are significant or persistent changes to or on your body, you should see a doctor. If you are in severe pain, see a doctor.
I know health care costs are through the roof. Still, a visit to a doctor early could save a big problem later. By the way, if you have the flu or a hacking cough, stay home from work and see your doctor. I was in a Walgreens and saw one of the clerks stocking products sneeze all over the boxes in an aisle. I immediately left the store, grossed out. I didn’t want her germs on something I could perhaps take that she had sneezed on in another aisle.
If in doubt, don’t self-diagnose your problem. See a doctor or please stay home from work until you are well.
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